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Old 12-02-2010, 10:05 PM
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Originally Posted by fireworkslover
Originally Posted by fayza
Okay..... As I've said I have only been quilting or even sewing for about a year. I began in Jan. 2010 I have finished 15 quilt tops to date.

Now for the confession..... I am addicted to buying fabric.

However, I must say my fabric stash is not very large at all. When I buy fabric I usually try to purchase enough to do a quilt and I will NOT leave it in my fabric tote I have to cut it up and have it ready to be sewn. And let me just say it worries me to death when its laying in my sewing room and hasn't been cut. I loose sleep over it!!! Finally when its cut I can bounce back and forth from project to project until its finished. (I'm going to make another post listing all of my current projects, maybe if I share their status I'll hurry and finish them.) After a year of this madness the projects are really building up on me!!! And my fabric shopping addiction is not slowing down :)
Holy Cow! You've made 15 tops in a year? You must not have a job outside the home. Or they are crib size or smaller. Just wait, your fabric buying seems to get worse the longer you have this hobby (love/obsession). I've been quilting for 10 yrs. and about once a year I redo the boxes my stash is in and move them to larger boxes. The one kind of fabric I have the most of is for OBW's. I've at least 12 hunks for just those. Good Luck!

that's funny....both of the above! While rearranging a "stack" of quilt tops waiting to be finished, I spotted a plastic bag and rediscovered a large print Asian fabric that I obviously had bought for another OBW...yup, I'm addicted to them also. I had completely forgotten about it and it got buried!
Will have to wait until I finish at least three WIP. Must hurry since I've got 6 more QFK's kits due to arrive on the 6th.

:-P :thumbup:
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