Thread: Pay it Forward
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Old 12-12-2010, 07:08 AM
nonnaof5's Avatar
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Originally Posted by frugalfabrics
Yup, always carry extra coupons when I go into Hobby Lobby.

Also, anytime I go to the Department of Motor Vehicle to get my license renewed, and I have to "take a number", I always take 2 numbers...and then I watch for some unsuspecting person that comes in long after me, and give them the other number tag. The last person I gave one too, thanked me over and over...she had just come from the hospital trying to beat the clock and renew her license, and then had to rush back to the hospital. That made my heart smile so BIG to know that somehow, in the littlest way, I was able to help her out...and it didn't cost me a penny.
You could also just exchange your number with the person who is frazzled, then the people standing in line behind you won't get upset because of their time in line, just another thought.
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