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Old 12-13-2010, 01:00 PM
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I know how heart breaking it is to have something you spent hours on mistreated. But I agree with those here who say, once given it is the recipients to treat as they will. That being said, if I note that a gift of mine that took hours and hours to make is not appreciated, I know that I shouldn't spend that amount of time on something for that person again and consider it lesson learned.

Your granddaughter may not have truly understood the love that went into the quilt. I know I have a quilt that one grandmother pieced and my other grandmother hand quilted. When I received it my youngest wanted it for his bed (only about 4 at the time). I was very clear on how important and special the quilt was and that he could use it only if he was very respectful of it. He is now 17 and it is one of his most prized possessions.
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