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Old 12-14-2010, 06:23 AM
Join Date: Sep 2010
Location: Northern, VA - USA
Posts: 9

I agree, ditch the iron. One should only use distilled water in the iron if you must steam. It doesn't leave any hard water residue to clog the iron. If you are not doing a lot of steaming, only put a little bit of water in the iron so it will be used up and not be left in the iron to rust. Or just mist it! I don't steam I mist. When the square is completely done and ready to get squared, I lightly mist and "press". This means not sliding the iron over the fabric but lifting it up and pressing the fabric all over. It makes it nice and flat so it can be squared before sewing the rows together. My board cover had a grid on it which makes squaring a breeze. This also helps if one seam is not exact and needs a little adjustment. Find a system that works best for your needs and enjoy the process.
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