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Old 12-20-2010, 05:39 PM
softpatches's Avatar
Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: Olive Branch, MS
Posts: 86

Off but still somewhat on the topic I have a featherweight that my Mom got for me at an estate sale 15 years ago---I won't tell what she paid for it because it will just make folks sick---Anyhow it is a black one but it came in a tan & brown case. I never thought much abt it until I joined this board. I have since discovered that the tan ones came in the tan case. I have not seen anything to indicate that this is the only time the tan case was used. In closing I will mention that the machine I have was completely in tack, including book, accesories plus extra, foot pedal and tan case. Does anyone have thoughts abt this?????

THX Much & Merry Christmas to all and a Blessed New Year
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