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Old 12-22-2010, 08:04 PM
grandma Janice
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Originally Posted by Parrothead
Originally Posted by Edie
Originally Posted by hospicenurse
I turned the channel after she and her daughter beat the fish to death with a bat.
They didn't beat the fish to death with a bat, they stunned it, which sometimes have to be done on a boat with large fish. They can swipe you a good one - very humane.

Personally, I like Sarah Palin. She is a good woman. I like what she stands for, politically or on the home front. She is a good mother (remembering that all of us are human and what we teach our children sometimes goes in one ear and out the other). I learned that from my mother. She loves her state as I love my state, Minnesota. She loves her family and she brings food to the table. In Alaska they bring food via hunting for it. I clean fish, pheasant, deer and bring it to our table too. I think I would really like her as a friend.

I also think that Kate is a spoiled rotten little brat! And I think it all started when she decided she could do anything. She does not have the mettle that Sarah has. I loved Jon and Kate and I don't think I will watch Kate plus Ei8ht anymore. But I sure will watch Sarah. She knows a lot about her state, she is a fantabulous representative for her state and any state would be proud to have her as a teacher, representative/senator/spokesperson/president, whatever she wants to be and thinks she could be to better our country. God knows it isn't doing too well as it is now! So I will continue to watch and enjoy Sarah Palin's Alaska.

With that said, I can't wait for the next episode. The scenery is gorgeous, the dialog is so humorous and so loving and just darn fun to watch. Edie
I agree with you and I guess we are the odd person out here. The photography in this show is awesome. I love Sarah and I love Alaska. I think she has done a great job sharing her state with us. And she did have Alaskans on her shows, like her husband's family and her own children. Not all Alaskans are Native Americans. We have been to Alaska and plan another trip in 2012.
You are not odd people out. Many of us feel the same way. no matter if you agree with her politics, she certainly is real and honest. and that's more than I can say for most who are in the government. Now about Alaska, My DH was stationed there and he loves the show. He keeps telling me things about when he was there. You know,if you go to the store and buy some fish or anything else for a meal, someone had to provide it. Those people who pioneered this country and still do in Alaska, are the reason we have it so good now. I love her and the show.
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