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Old 12-23-2010, 12:27 AM
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Originally Posted by MistyMarie
I think we are harsher on female politicians than we are on male politicians. Had Sarah been a man, I doubt she would get as much criticism as she does. I admire her as a WOMAN, regardless of her voice or her political views.

I rarely hear men or women complaining about a man's voice, yet we attack a woman for something she CANNOT change. Women seem to be her worst critics.

Her show is not about politics. She is showing off her state and how beautiful it is. Because she is the most famous Alaskan right now, who better than to promote her state? I bet tourism in Alaska will skyrocket this next summer because of the show. My parents watch her show and are already planning a trip. Not because of Sarah, but because of the incredible beauty of the state that this show portrays.

I agree. Look at Eleanor Burn's voice yet people go all over to see her. And as a woman she has done a lot for all of us quilter's, man or woman. I do not hold a person's voice against them. It is what they were born with & they cannot help it. I love the scenery in this show & DH & I are planning on going to Alaska next Summer. My DH has gone to the North Slope to work one January 8 yrs ago. Since then, we have wanted to tour that State. Now I sure do. I did think Kate was very rude on the Show. I would never be so rude or ungrateful! I wondered what in the world did she expect? Jeez! But I do love nature & scenery & my DH has fished & hunted so that is right up my alley. Shoot I love to fish. LOL
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