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Old 12-23-2010, 09:16 AM
Snorky Lvs2Quilt
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Originally Posted by Karyn
Originally Posted by clem55
Been there!! Hubby's family. It would almost make me sick the way they took advantage of him" because he had such a good job" , and "Carol doesn't have to work, or Carol has so much ' Well, Carol did without a lot of things, and Carol was pretty good at making something nice from something old. I still find it very hard to say no to anyone, probably always will , and probably will always be taken advantaqge of, but, I'd rather be the way I am, than be the taker!
My hubbys family always said: Y'all have it made!!
Maybe because we both worked, did without a lot of things to have a nice home and pay for it. I cooked many meals at home while they were eating out. They didn't know when we had money problems because we didn't tell everybody and whine and moan like they did.
I have shared with them but seems like every time I did, they took advantage. No more, and if that makes me a bad person, so be it, but I'm nobodys fool.
You have to stand up for yourself. You bought your stash, you should be the one to use it. Enjoy!!!
AMEN!! Sounds like my family to a Tee.
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