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Old 12-23-2010, 07:18 PM
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Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: in hiding !! witness protection program LOL
Posts: 457

LOL I had to laugh.. sorry..
My brother in law and his wife moved in with us in October and she is the same way. She thinks all my stuff is hers. When they were here over vacation in June she was using my make up which I immediately put a halt to and told her to buy her own after I threw out what she had used (thank goodness most of the stuff was ready to go to the trash).

So now I am being boring and don't want to do anything when she is around, I wait till she goes to work (yes I work too but its a split shift). She doesn't help clean up or put the dishes in the dish washer, I had to tell her to the clean the bathroom they use.

My BIl keeps apologizing for her as well, I had finally had enough and told her how I felt (made her cry, but oh well it had to come out). Told her my stash of things was mine I work hard for what I have and she needed to either cough up some $$ or not use my stash. and for goodness sakes Stay out of my makeup !LOL

So I have sympathy for you and your moocher, but at least your moocher goes home !LOL I am hoping they get a home soon and she gets new hobbies !LOL (I have to laugh or I will cry !LOL)
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