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Old 12-26-2010, 12:42 PM
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Originally Posted by thepolyparrot
This thread is sad.

The seller hasn't cheated anyone - she simply made a judgement call that didn't go the right way for this particular buyer.

Like I said, somewhere else a buyer in the exact same scenario will be angry with the seller for not going ahead and shipping the order short a half-yard!

Good grief, so many people wanting to leave negative feedback over something so small and completely insignificant! Negative feedback is for serious transgressions, not tiny little errors in judgement like this.

How many of us are 100% perfect ALL the time? This is dismaying, to say the least.
Actually the Seller did cheat her, they misrepresented the amount of fabric they had - & compounded this mistake, because they didn't tell her they were shorting her a 1/2 yd, till it was too late to do anything about it.

It only takes a minute to email the buyer - When they do - there are 2 emails generated - 1 on Ebay and the other to your regular email address -

Mail is sooooo slow this time of year that I assume that a 1 day delay probably wouldn't be that much of a problem.

However, that being said, I am not sure how much your fabric cost a yd - but I get the feeling that the seller didn't want to lose the sale if she contacted you before shipping - and you told her you didn't want it

I would contact the seller to nicely explain to them how you feel - if you needed the 6 yds for a particular pattern you were doing, 5 1/2 yds is not going to cut it. I must see 5-6 emails a weeks from members that are making a quilt and are short a couple of inches to a couple of yds. I think the seller was playing the odds - most people will not go to the expense (time & return shipping costs) to return an item -

Also, ratings are not just positive, neutral or negative - but there is a 1 to 5 star rating as well. This is probably not the only time they have done this.
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