Thread: Tieing a quilt
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Old 12-27-2010, 05:55 PM
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Originally Posted by Spice
I would tie first then bind. If you do not like knots there is a way of tying without knots. Someone taught me this years ago and it really works. 1 2
3 4
Thread (yarn etc)
down on point 1, up on 4, down on one, and up on two, down on three, and up on four. The thread is cut and ends remain showing on one and four. You will have an x on the top of the comforter and a z on the back side. you can pull on the ends and they will not come out. This is great for a baby quilt they will be laying on as there are no knots to be uncomfortable.
This sounds like something I would like to try. Are the 1-2-3-4 points set up as a square when you are going up and down?
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