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Old 12-28-2010, 08:52 AM
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It's hard to understand how people can be so unappreciative and hurtful. But the key is to not take it personally. They aren't trying to hurt you, they just don't have the sense to know what they've been given. They certainly don't have a clue what you put into the project, and they are wired differently than those of us who appreciate a handmade item for what it is.

There's an easy fix: do your best work and donate what you can afford to those who do appreciate the gift. I make little tiny shirts for babies in a NICU in the city. I realized what a difference it makes to the parents to see their baby in clothing when my own children gave birth to a preemie last year. It's not difficult to find a place as there are so many, just make sure it's something close to your heart and don't look back. is offline