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Old 12-28-2010, 10:10 AM
Super Member
Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: Newberg, OR
Posts: 1,911

I'm appalled at the lack of gratitude I'm reading about on this board since the holidays. I think a lot of people could learn a lesson about being a cheerful recipient. I've always thought that the true joy of Christmas or any gifting occasion is in the giving and the recipient makes it so by appreciating The thought and effort that goes into the giver's choice of a gift. My husband is extremely hard to buy for. He's very picky. A few years ago I decided to splurge and bought him an expensive watch. He returned it and bought a flat bed trailer instead. I was terribly hurt, and I'll tell you that the joy has gone out of even trying to find something he'll like any more. There's a sense of entitlement that seems to have permeated our culture lately that I find disheartening. Many think that they are entitled to whatever desire pops into their head, and when others can't or don't respond appropriately, they're disappointed. Too bad they forget about the feelings of the giver in their disappointment. I think everybody loses as a result. Well...that was a rant. Hope it Made sense.
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