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Old 12-29-2010, 10:12 AM
Junior Member
Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: In Plain Sight
Posts: 290

I have not read every posting on this subject, but I don't wonder that perhaps the problems are because we have lost the true emaning and spirit of Christmas. At 75 I can recall getting present I didn't want..but hopefully accepted with grace. It is after all a gift...and that is what Christmas is about . The gift of the Christ child and Savior. If I don't get a thank you or enthusastic thanks, well that's that. I hope I won't hold a grudge is too short. I always told my kids that regrets are the hardest things to live with and not worth it. Go on from your disapointments...there are plenty out there who need and will appreciate your giving. Bread cast upon the waters does come back to you. Be on the outlook for the miracles that come into your life.
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