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Old 01-04-2011, 03:53 AM
Junior Member
Join Date: Oct 2010
Location: Virginia
Posts: 109

I have quilted for many years and find what I do to try to be organized evolves over time. What I am currently doing that helps me is: I keep a large notebook with quilt ideas stored in clear sleeves. I can thumb through when I'm looking for ideas or a specific pattern, then take it out while I use it. I also learned the hard way to store directions for a project with the project, in case it ends up inactive for a longer time, I'll still know what I was planning when I get it out again. My current pet peeve is how many times I would measure and remeasure a top or backing in the UFO pile so...I just started measuring them and staple the size on so it's there when I need to know. The staple keeps me from getting unexpectedly stuck by a straight pin in the pile. I have "favorite sites" on the computer but the directions or pictures on the computer do need better folder systems. It may sound over the top but making a speadsheet type page by hand helped the most with my UFO list. Across the top I penned in: top finished, borders, quilting, binding, label. Down the side I have the name of the project. I can check off what is done for that quilt. Then at a glance I may see that three projects would be finished if I just made a batch of labels or maybe a number of projects are all ready to get their bindings. The books, notions, and fabrics have there own storage areas but when the fabrics fly and the sewing machine is humming it all gets messy until the next big effort becomes finding the top of the cutting table! Mostly I just try to have fun and enjoy the process.
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