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Old 01-06-2011, 03:59 AM
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Join Date: Dec 2010
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dpparris, I wish I could help you on a wedding ring but I've never done one..... My mother-in-law made one for us on our 25th anniversary but she did it by hand.
I might have a quilt frame solution for you though. My first quilt frame was just 4 1x2's. My husband drilled holes in the middle of the boards so you could put a bolt through them to hold the boards together in a square. His grandmother had one in her one room cabin that was hung from the ceiling. She would drop it down and quilt and roll the ropes around the corners to put it back up. She quilted tons of quilts that way. You could wrap batting and a fabric piece around each board to attach your quilt sandwich. Roll the sandwich around one board and bolt the corners..... then you could reach across to the other side. I quilted my first quilt on the one my DH made for me and it was cheap. Now I have a homemade frame that sits on the floor with gears to wind up the quilt sandwich. I bought it at an auction.
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