Old 01-09-2011, 08:26 PM
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Originally Posted by Shelbie
I have never done a complete inventory and I'm a little afraid to do so. Four yards of fabric weighs about one pound. When you have the largest Rubbermaid container and you can barely lift it (at least 50 lbs) you know it contains about 200 yards. I have a bin of each colour plus others (ie thirties, batiks, children's etc.) This week I did a re-organizing and culled a huge bag to donate to the Mennonite Relief Centre for their charity quilts. I have been collecting fabric since I was nine and much of my collection was given to me or purchased very reasonably at rummage, estate and clear out sales. My goal is now to finish a whole bunch of UFO's (didn't count those either) and only use fabric from my stash to do so. I now only buy fabric if there is absolutely nothing that will work in my collection.

WOW! 4 yards = 1 pound. Thanks for that information. Now I know why my back wants to complain when I shift my storage bins...not the really large type fortunately.
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