Old 01-09-2011, 10:10 PM
Junior Member
Join Date: Sep 2010
Posts: 284

Originally Posted by Momsmurf
Don't forget to lift from the knees,not the back and keep saying to yourself"1 quilt,2 quilts,so many more quilts" Keep your fabric. It's of those few items in life that doesn't have an expiration date and brings so much happiness. If I wake up in a depressed mood and just thinking about my disease, I go into my fabric rooms and look at my fabrics and run my hands over them. Immediately the depression is lifting and my mind is filling with thoughts of a quilt that I want to make with some of those colors.The rhyme is one that my 4 year old granddaughter made up while she was playing with some of my scrap pieces.I told her that I was going to work it into a wall hanging and put it over my fireplace. If anyone else wants to use it ,that's fine.I think it suits pretty much every quilter I know.
Good body mechanics always....
Drilled into us in nursing school.....back in the days when they taught nursing arts comprehensively...
We old folks can identify with that.
I love your rhyme! I find quilting very therapeutic also...refuse to let my scleroderma stop me...(although my doctor always asks me how I do it. I always tell her...I could have something worse, so this doesn't stop me.[/quote]

I'll be sure to tell my granddaughter that her granny is not the only one who loves her rhyme.
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