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Old 01-10-2011, 04:22 AM
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Originally Posted by charmpacksplus
Definitely call the bank yourself and cancel the card.

I found a debit card on the ground at Walmart the other day. That poor woman is probably very upset right now and worried to death. Did I turn it in to customer service? No, I did not. I don't trust them. Did I try to find the person in the phone book? I thought about it, but no, I did not. If someone had used the card fraudulently before I found it, I would get the blame. And it was a pretty common name around here. I might have given it to the wrong person. So I brought the card home and cut it to pieces and threw it in the trash.

I could have called the card company to report that I had found it, but like I said, what if someone else had used it before I found it? I also could have left it on the ground where I found it but I'd like to think I did someone a huge favor by picking it up and destroying it.
It's quite a dilemma, isn't it, when we find someone else's card?! A few months back, I found someone's CC at the airport, in the slot of one of those self check-in kiosks. I debated whether to turn it into security, etc., but worried that they might not do the right thing (sorry, don't mean to offend or insult anyone).

I felt very responsible for the CC. I was hoping that the owner would return; I could then check additional ID to confirm it was the right person. Unfortunately, no one showed up. So, I called the number on the back of the card, explained what happened, and asked them to cancel the card. They asked my name, gave them just my first name. I knew that this would probably inconvenience the owner but felt it was better to err on the side of caution.
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