Thread: Memories.....
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Old 01-12-2011, 09:04 AM
Grandmama Pat
Senior Member
Join Date: May 2010
Location: Alabama
Posts: 333

Well, I guess I'm an "ancient one" also. I remember all of these, plus a lot more. I grew up in the 40's and 50's in the country and I remember my mom heating her iron on a wood-burning stove. She had my dad haul buckets of water into the back yard so she could wash. The water was warmed in a big iron pot and then it went into a wringer-type washer and she had two tubs of cold water for rinsing them. When the water got dirty, it was changed to fresh. And, clothes were hung on the line in all kinds of weather. We had a garden that fed us all winter. I don't remember us ever having a "garbage truck" pick up. Our flour and animal feed was brought home in feed sacks that were used for my sisters' and my clothing or anything else mom could make with them. She cooked every meal. We never ate out. She canned in the summer so we'd have food in the winter. She kept a spotless house and it always smelled fresh. I don't know how she did it, but she did. Thanks for bringing back these memories. My sister and I talk about them often, but maybe not often enough.
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