Old 01-14-2011, 06:25 AM
Jan in VA
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Location: Piedmont Virginia in the Foothills of the Blue Ridge Mtns.
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Oh Lordy, I did it at a restaurant in Colorado Springs over Christmas!

My younger DD who was hosting us -- me, older DD, and GS for the holiday (first time we've ever all been together for Christmas) -- was not feeling well when we arrived and she spent several days being really sarcastic, withdrawn, and just plain bit--y. To the point that we were all walking on eggs....you know, the family dynamics at holidays.

Finally, in the restaurant one night, as we sat down, she did it one last time, got on my very last nerve, and I slapped my hand hard on the table, causing everyone to look around at us, and I said, "This will stop right now!". She responded by looking at me like I'd tried to turn the table over, and said, "Do you want to walk home?"

My older daughter and grandson's eyes flew open, she said, "Mom?!"

I ignored her, looked right at the younger DD - a 30 year old pediatrician! - and said, "Shall we take this outside to the parking lot?", just like I had to do so many times when she was little and pushy.

She got up from the table and went to the restroom. For a long time.

Older DD looked at me; I looked at her and said, "I'm so sorry you had to see that, but I have learned too well over the years that when K--- gets this way, NOTHING seems to snap her out of it but a scene, preferably in a public place where she can walk away but has to come back calmed down. I'm sorry, but I had to do it. Sometimes a grandmother is still a mother."

And sure enough, when she returned without eye makeup, she was pleasant, polite, participating and we all had a nice dinner.

Of course, I was shaking in my boots, but eternally grateful that it still worked, even though I truly did hate pulling the I'm-still-your-mother rank on her in such a place!:oops: The rest of the visit was delightful!

Jan in VA
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