Thread: Who's Flying??
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Old 01-20-2011, 12:55 PM
Ramona Byrd
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Join Date: May 2009
Location: Merced, CA
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Yes, and she did insist that we all wear lace up shoes. First I laughed, then after I broke my ankle badly, now I HAVE to wear lace up boots that help keep my ankle upright. Ok to wear others for an hour or so but at the expense of a lot of pain later.

Flylady is my heroine, have one of her stick-ones on my fridge front. The ONLY one there, except for the calendar on the side with a grocery list beside it. Only one thing on top of the fridge.

I'm still de-cluttering and to my surprise, my small house has gotten larger. 15 minutes at a time, I'm working on getting unneeded objects out of my life. That does include some fabrics I hate, some sewing stuff I'll never use (Pretty Punch threads, etc) and lots of other little stuff that adds up to masses of stuff I've never used, will not ever use, don't know why I got it in the first place. Now it's going to bless someone else.
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