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Old 01-23-2011, 09:41 AM
hunters grammy
Join Date: Dec 2010
Location: Winston-Salem, NC
Posts: 99

Originally Posted by JulieR
Originally Posted by thequilteddove
*gives you a hug* I have had many people in my life that I loved. Girls I had been friends with for 10yrs, men who proclaimed to love me until we died. Granted I wasn't quilting back then; but when the relationships ended I was devestated each and every time. Every last one of them I took personal - I felt betrayed, abandoned, used... I am WAY older now and my way of thinking has changed a lot. I was fortunate to learn at a relatively young age (arount 25-30) that it wasn't me, it's life. As we age we are constantly evolving. We grow, mature, whatever... the people we love may do it faster than we do or we may do it faster than they do. They/we are not always 'equipped' with how to deal with 'stuff' without hurting each other...

The love you put in to anything, be it a relationship or a quilt is NEVER for nothing. We just need to learn who deserves our love and when to cut our losses when we discover they are not worthy.

Keep making your quilts. Make them for soldiers, battered women, yourself, what ever. Continue to make them for people you love no matter how the relationships go. Your quilts are NOT cursed and neither are you. Know that in your heart and you will see how life gradually changes :)
I love this post.
So do I! I'd like to add one more comment for you - after a long, hard and abusive marriage for 31 years and the disappointments with some friendships and family members - I finally figured it out - the only change I could make was with myself - you cannot control or change anyone else. So, that is what I did - and I look at life differently now. And yes, there are still those "things" that happen, but just know that it is not you. Hunter's Grammy
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