Old 01-28-2011, 05:53 PM
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LOL Did you read my mind? So I am sitting here procrastinating starting the quilting. I just told my DD 13 who has been helping me baste and put on the quilting lines, lets first trim down the edges. Alright, off I go trimming the edges.

Originally Posted by Delilah
Originally Posted by Annaquilts
Thanks for the heads up. I did finnish spray basting but I think I will add a pin for every block and hand baste with thread along the edges. Like some one mentioned it is too easy to get the back to bunch up and sew through multiple layers. Hopefully all the extra basting will prevent that. today will be the big day I am starting.
The first thing I would do is eliminate all but a couple of inches on all sides of the extra batting and backing. That will cut down on the bulk A LOT. I have spray basted about 120+ quilts, many very large ones, and have never had a problem with slipping or sliding and I never use pins or those bicycle clips. I would push and pull and start in the center, just make sure you have a lot of table space to the left and behind the machine to support the quilt. I also do not use gloves because I have discovered using glycerin. Just a drop or two on your fingers and palms will give your hands all the tackiness you need, it washes off easily and is good for chapped/cracked hands. Let us know how you did.
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