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Old 01-28-2011, 06:03 PM
Join Date: Nov 2010
Posts: 4,134

Originally Posted by Scissor Queen
You need four repeats. There will likely be four repeats over the width of the fabric. With a border fabric like this you'll want to miter your borders. So, you need the length of each border plus the width of the border x 2. You're maximum border width will be 10 inches (40 divided by 4) You're quilt measures 92 X 92 and that's 2.5 yards. So you'll need 2.5 yards in length plus another 20 inches maximum to miter your corners. That's 3 yards and an eighth. I'd get 3 and a quarter.
While agree with those measurements for a regular border,
I think that's cutting it way too close on Jinny Beyer border fabric. Thpse numbers assume the border will fall exactly where you want it straight off the bolt.

The trick to using a Beyer border fabric is to have the motifs placed correctly where you want them. So if you just took the 3.25 yards and folded a border strip in half, the big motif might not be dead center on the side of the quilt. And if it's off, you'll see it. Which would be a shame. That beautiful symmetry - that's the whole purpose of those particular border fabrics.

You can find other links, but this is the first one I came across:

See how the border fabric is PERFECTLY symmetrical on each side of the center of the table runner? Now, on your quilt/fabric it might be the border motif that is centered.

Depending on the size of the motifs, you need some wiggle room.

I wouldn't get less than 4 yards. Because if you don't have any room to adjust, the 3.25 yards are useless for your purposes. All for saving $6?
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