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Old 02-05-2011, 06:24 PM
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Thank you so much for the reply but I think you are misunderstanding what I am looking for.

I know how to make HSTs from strips by sewing on the diagonal after drawing the grid. It drives me crazy to mark, sew, cut, square up, so I prefer not to do that anymore.

In this case, I am looking for the technique where you sew two strips together on both sides, forming a tube. Then you use a 45º ruler to cut the strips into triangles, alternating up and down, where the tips come just below the seams, no waste. The HSTs are on the bias this way, and the sewing line is on the grain line. It's like cutting triangles out of a strip.

I thought I had saved the technique but I just can't find it in logical places! This method does create dogears, but seemed so much faster and more accurate, but I can't find the darn chart for the sizes needed!

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