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Old 02-08-2011, 11:51 AM
The Creative Seamstress
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Join Date: Nov 2010
Posts: 364

Everyone has to start somewhere. There is not one us of (at least that I know of) on this board that was a "Quilting Prodigy" where any of our first or initial attempts at any project (let alone a major one) went well. For as long as I've been doing this - I still have moments where I have to rip out rows. The tempting allure of the achievement of and the attaining of "perfection" is a complete illusion. It can be very difficult to feel like you belong in a group (when it's in a face to face setting) with individuals who are more accomplished/experienced than you. But you have to remember that we all were beginners just getting the hang on things and learning brand new skills at some point. There is nothing that can do more for you personally, your confidence and experience/skill level than throwing yourself in there and making every effort to try! Quit being so hard on yourself. If your fellow group members are all there doing something your describing as "more important than you" you're wrong. They had their turn in the learning curve, and now its your time. Believe me when I tell you that your efforts now are well worth it. Someday after having honed your skill, you'll look back on this project fondly (no matter how many times you screamed in frustration or ripped out rows) remembering what it felt like to be so full of excitement in doing a first project - and I promise it won't matter what it looked like or how it turned out. Don't sell yourself short into giving up, the lack of self confidence and moments of "why" hit us all. Listen - I've been sewing/quilting for a very long time, to the tune of about 23 years AND I STILL LEARN EVERYDAY! I just learned how to paper piece about two weeks ago. I made mistakes, I ripped out rows, I reprinted patterns, but I've learned and still am on this technique. Bottomline is - you will always need to learn more and be in some sort of learning curve if you wish to truly challenge yourself. If you give up on the process now - you never know where it may take you! So please, don't give up and quit. I promise you'll be very happy someday that you didn't!

Explosive blessings, abundance and inspiration to you all!
- The Creative Seamstress
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