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Old 02-09-2011, 04:08 AM
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Originally Posted by sewwhat85
dont be hard on your self it does not have to be perfect we all started some where. it will be fun to look back at your first quilt and you will marvel at how far you have come.
I still have the my first attempt at knitting that I get out and review periodically. It is indeed ghastly (and I am being kind). There were times when I thought I was not meant to be a knitter, but viewing that piece gave me the courage to continue. I knitted scarves for over a year until I felt confident enough to venture further. It is the same with quilting, I will no quit because I have friends who encourage me constantly. I suggest you put those blocks away until you feel more comfortable about your newly acquired skills.

It is hard to feel good about ones self when everyone around you is making beautiful quilts. They work so fast and for me, I am more interested in learning the process thoroughly. So what if I don't keep up with their progress, it is not a race -- it is a learning experience and the more I lay a good foundation the faster my abilities will improve.

THE IMPORTANT THING IS: DO NOT GET DISCOURAGED AND QUIT. TOMORROW WILL BE BETTER. Also, remember there are lots of tomorrows, even if you only improve one small detail at a time. One day you will have an AHA moment and all those small details will come together. Until then, there are table toppers and runners. Or just choose your own BOM (something you feel comfortable doing), one day your will have your own sampler quilt. Take little steps, do not be intimidated by the ability of others, know that you are learning a valuable skill.


P.S. Once I came to terms with the above, I have been having lots more fun at guild and I am more relaxed.
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