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Old 02-10-2011, 05:18 PM
All Thumbs
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Posts: 707

If you are having fun, then by all means keep going. Do not let this become work because quilting is in the eyes of the quilter. We need no Quilt Police for those of us just learning. I have sewn garments and household items since I was a tike on a treadle (that makes me older than dirt you know!) and when I took up quilting four years ago, I figured what a snap. I can do this. Well, the corners did not match, I could not master the quarter inch seam and I doubt I cut a single block on the straight of grain for at least a couple months. But because I belonged to a group of well-seasoned quilters, they came to my rescue and I am getting better all along. But most of all, I am having fun and the experienced ladies (and gent) never criticize my work and always offer encouragement. So send your questions to this Board and there will be someone right at your side. Good luck and post a block photo every now and then. You CAN do this.
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