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Old 02-16-2011, 05:28 PM
Ramona Byrd
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Join Date: May 2009
Location: Merced, CA
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This sounds like a sensible thing to do. Surprisingly, today at a club meeting, one of the group who had had to buy massive amounts of mailing products for the Sheriff's department, was talking about the same thing. Said that with the bad press the USPO was getting, it was simply forcing people to go online more and write less and send less packages. UPS is polite!! Telephoning is good, some of us have unlimited calling now, and in general, most folks are doing much less writing and sending small presents these days. No one wants to be snarled at or think they've been cheated, it's just too easy to go to UPS, which will actually PACK your delicate objects!! A friend had a complete set of expensive table ware sent that way, and as they packed it they phoned her to tell her one cup had a small chip on it, which she knew. It got to her son in another state with no damage!!
So the USPO had better do some fast public relations work..NOW. Here in my town the Post Office employees are nice, even when the place is packed they are pleasant and I really do like that sort of welcome.
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