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Old 02-17-2011, 11:47 AM
Ramona Byrd
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Join Date: May 2009
Location: Merced, CA
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I'm surprised to find they will grow there, but if they do, they are marvelous. You can have about 8 females to one male and still get good fruit. Some of the male plants smell like a tom cat and will draw neighborhood toms.
Many, many years ago a world traveler brought my DH (a nurseryman) some little black seeds and asked him to grow them for him. Said they came from the Gooseberry vine (now called Kiwi, don't think it's kin to the Chinese Gooseberry) . DH had never heard of them at that point of time, but now we have a lot of them around here, but not a significant source of commercial income. Nice plants though, lovely and delicious. There's a yellow fruited one I saw recently. I'll have to try it.
And DH always added Epsom Salt to all the nursery plants, they grew better with extra magnesium in the soil. And of course you can plant the seeds, maybe even get a new variety. Fun to check the new ones that come along.
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