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Old 02-17-2011, 08:00 PM
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Join Date: Jan 2011
Location: Port Lavaca, TX
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Originally Posted by Hope2quilt
My grandma taught me to pin with safety pins (maybe due to my age at the time) and then I went back and made long stitches all over my quilt. Then, she let me quilt it. We did it by hand those days and they were twin size quilts that I made.
Yes, indeedy do! This works, and is faster than most other kinds of ways of securing the sandwich while you are quilting it...except spray...
I worry about spray changing color - darkening - over time, unless you can wash it out.
Actually, basting with a long running stitch , or Xs or Zs is faster than pinning, (Try it on a couple of fat quarter or stray block fabric sandwiches and see.. make a pillow?) and the sandwich is more flexible scrunched in the machine with basting, than with pinning, and those pesky pins catch, sometimes!
If you have a smallish project, or live where it is dry, try using thread that dissolves. If you live where it is humid,
it might dissolve by itself eventually, you might want to test a sample...
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