Thread: Headaches
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Old 02-19-2011, 12:04 AM
Ramona Byrd
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Join Date: May 2009
Location: Merced, CA
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Sounds to me like one of my migraines. That is one of the symptoms. Pain in either one half or one quarter of the head, like a nail sticking in your brain. Sometimes upset stomach and even sometimes actual nausea and vomiting. Sun or loud noises makes the pain worse. Even moving can make it hurt more.

Some people have what is called a Prodrome. This can be some sort of eye problem. One of my sisters and one daughter have frozen black lightening flashing before their eyes, and when it finally gets to the other side they know the pain will start. Some people lose view of circular spots, parts of faces will be missing and white blank parts of papers or books. I have tunnel vision, fog around my eye sight. One male nurse said his started looking like he was viewing the world through a kaleidoscope, and then his pain would start.

One doctor I was referred to said as soon as the pain started, immediately start keeping a careful diary, going back 3 or 4 days BEFORE the pain started and putting down every thing you ate, drank, the weather, tired or angry, etc. And in a couple of weeks a strong pattern would show up. My worst foods are of course my favorites, hard cheese and souse meat. Also bad are nitrates and nitrites , as are fermented foods. And chocolate!
Unfortunately, I was told that we quite often crave what we are allergic to.

Sorry about the lecture, but I had migraines for so many years that it made me lose a lot of my favorite times with DH and kids. On the average, mine lasted 3 days, flat out in bed in a darkened bedroom with an ice pack on my head. Once and sometimes twice a month. And often staggering to the bathroom to unload my last few meals! Not a time that one wants to remember. Generally it is much easier after the 40s or 50s.
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