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Old 02-21-2011, 09:18 PM
Ms Elaine Va
Junior Member
Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: Richmond, Va
Posts: 218

Did you hand embroidery or machine? Do we figure in the cost of our equipment? It costs $5 per letter to get lettering on anything. How many letters??

I had a woman outside my LQS beg to buy one of my twin size quilts. It cost me about $75 for materials and $175 to the longarm quilter. I pieced the back in a large black and white to match the front. "Hip Chicks" I spent hours on it I told her $400 - that was the end of that. I really don't think people have any idea what is involved in quality fabrics and time. When you can go to Walmart etc. and pay 20 bucks
I was told by people at my sewing machine shop to not sell a queen quilt for less than $800 so I gave it away.
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