Old 01-19-2009, 10:31 AM
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I don't mean to veer off the topic on hand here, but i would like to say that I am so so amazed at how giving all of you are. I made one quilt so far, and it is like my baby, I don't think I can give it away. I am working on another one, and I don't think I can give that away either, I guess am still in my selfish ages, LOL,maybe I will gorw out of that when I have kids and such. And don't get me wrong, Il ove my family and friends, but during the process of making my quilt I was getting attached to it someway, and THIS is why I am quilting, it is becoming a passion of mine. I consider myself a giver, and I think my family and friends would agree, but man I am so amazed by all of you who make all these quilts to give away, and I am humbled by it. It sadens me to know that some people can't understand and treasure that.

Just felt that I need to share that with you, I've been reading this thread for a while and just humbled by how giving you all must be. I respect that immesly. Thanks for showing me that. ( Great, now I feel like I need to be giving aways quilts, LOL)

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