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Old 01-20-2009, 08:32 AM
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Join Date: Nov 2006
Posts: 459

Kyiav10, your account is fine. It was never even considered for a lock.

I added a limit for post editing. It's 20 minutes. So if you create a post, you can change it within the next 20 minutes. After that, you can no longer edit it.

Such feature is common on many message boards to prevent exactly what's been happening here last night. I kept it disabled to give the users more freedom, but it will have to be enabled now.

It's not just your account. It's for everyone on the board.

I know people have been editing their posts to add things like "update on page 3" and to add members to various lists/schedules, which is very handy.

I think being able to edit posts is useful, but unfortunately some people decided to abuse it. So for now, there is no way to edit past posts.

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