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Old 01-20-2009, 11:18 AM
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If I'm editing, it is for the same reason. I don't always catch all my bad sentences or spelling until it has posted and I re-read it.
Yes, most people submit the post first, then re-read it and catch errors. We all do it that way :)

That's why there is a 20-minute time window to allow for edits.
Editing itself is not the problem. I wouldn't mind leaving unlimited edits. It's when people cripple the topics in which others have participated, then I have a problem.

I'm still going through the e-mail I received last night. Here is one e-mail that illustrates what I'm talking about:

I am very frustrated. I tried to read some of the threads, and there is one person that keeps deleting their comments. Then, trying to continue with the thread, after half a dozen folks have commented makes it impossible to even know what is going in.
This is a personal thing, and I am probably not the only one thinking like this. One is reading *by John mostly* and all of a sudden it says 'deleted.' If he doesn't want his stuff read, he shouldn't post.

I bet I am not the only one that thinks this way either...
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