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Old 03-02-2011, 05:28 AM
Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: Eighty Four, PA
Posts: 19

I was invited to join a Wednesday afternoon quilting group a year ago but was never able to attend as I worked full time. All that changed in October when I was laid off. Meeting every Wed afternoon to sit & sew has been a life line for me. I've met some absolutely wonderful women.

When I first joined, the group coordinator sent me an email with the "rules" - basically they were: we don't discuss politics or religion. That really seems to help keep the peace.

We do meet in a church basement and each session everyone puts in $1 that goes to the church. Everyone works on her own project. Everyone brings her own lunch (we meet 12-3) and sometimes people bring treats to share - but it's not required.

I'm actively looking for another job, but will miss my Wed afternoon "sewing with the ladies" when I start working again.

Sewing bees are still around because they do fulfill a social need - I would recommend restarting but with rules and a different format. Your friends (at least the true ones) will want to help and will support the new format.
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