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Old 03-07-2011, 01:49 PM
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Originally Posted by amma
At the age of 8, he knew exactly what he was doing. Teaching him that there are consequences is a good thing. Teaching him that he needs to be financially responsible for his actions is a good thing too! :D:D:D
Hear Hear!! Kids are so spoiled and coddled now, which is the fault of the parents AND the grandparents!! My kids were taught the value of money at a very young age...they were paid by the chores they did. If they worked hard, they earned a lot of money. If they didn't, they got none. There was a chart on the wall in the kitchen showing each chore and how much it was worth. They had free choice. All they had to do was put their name in the square for each day for each chore they selected. I verified each chore and checked it off. Friday evening was "Pay Day".

AND, if they purposely misused or in anger broke something, they had to pay for it. Accidental breakage was, of course, forgiven.

We also did NOT loan money against "future earnings".

Our kids almost all grew up to responsible, goals oriented adults.
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