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Old 03-11-2011, 07:58 AM
Join Date: Nov 2010
Posts: 4,134

Originally Posted by cherrio
I am fairly new and have a question. on the roman shade block shown in your link; what is the point of the interfacing or muslin?

The muslin is used as a foundation to stabilize the block. You use a flip-and-sew method to place your strips, without really worrying about bias or size (well, as long as it covers the muslin). And then you can trim it down to whatever size you want, and you have a perfectly square block with straight edges. And that's always a nice thing to have. :wink:

You could just as easily use paper, or even pages from the telephone book. ;-) .

The thing about muslin is you don't have to remove it like you do paper. But paper is cheaper. There was very recently a humongous thread on the different types of foundations, and the pros and cons of each so I'm not going to go into that here.
But they all are serve the same purpose.

Depending on your choice of construction, there are other ways to go about making this, especially if you're going to be using the SAME strips in every block. ;)

But it's a really simple block, and while most of the examples given here are Amish in style, you can certainly go to town on your fabric choices. I've always thought they looked a bit like baskets (when on-point), so florals is also one way to go. B&W with brights would make a great kids quilt. Endless options.

So go make one.
And then post a picture. :wink: :wink:
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