Old 03-12-2011, 05:12 AM
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My days were on Wed. and Friday of this week. I had contacted a member of this board who is learning to LAQ, and I made plans to meet her on Wed. about 10 am. I woke up during the night with a sinus headache, so I wrote her an email saying that I might make it on Thursday instead.

When my DH found out I really still wanted to meet her, he offered to take me to her house on Wed. So I gathered up the quilt top, backing, and batting, and off we went. She was wonderful to meet, and is a very warm person. I just loved meeting her.

Now, I'm on a committee at our church that feeds families of church members who have just died. While we were there, I got a cell phone call from the chairwoman of our committee, and since we had played phone-tag all day, I apologized to the QB member, and took the call. I realize how rude this was and I've apologized again, but I still feel bad about it.

Now for the BEST (worst!) part of the story....Yesterday she called and said that I didn't take enough batting. She had some she could use, and I said ok, that's great. Then she called back and said that I didn't take enough backing either! She just happened to have enough she could use, and I didn't want to drive 35 miles each way to take just white fabric for the backing, and more batting. She's an angel, and she has to have the patience of a saint! I just can't wait to see what she does to my quilt......I'm like a kid at Christmas, and can hardly wait! :mrgreen:

This is my 3rd full size quilt, and the 1st one to be quilted by somebody else. I saw some of her quilting on one of her quilts, and she's doing a fantastic job!

I won't mention her name, but if she wants to let you know who she is, I wouldn't mind. I hope she doesn't mind that I posted this, but I just wanted to let everyone know that she is a wonderful person to work with! And next time, I promise, I'll triple check everything!

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