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Old 03-12-2011, 10:41 AM
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Originally Posted by Jennalyn
Originally Posted by Vanuatu Jill
Originally Posted by Jennalyn
Jill, thank you! When I first started, I used picture tutorials on a site called "Rattributes" to figure out the basic construction of a flat hammock, tunnel, etc. Then I started connecting the dots and seeing how to make various different types from the same basic principles. Ferret hammocks are made in the same ways, just a bit larger, so I whipped up some for friends as a test run. They were actually the first things to prompt me to touch a sewing machine!
I would love to see pics of your rats relaxing in their hammocks and playing with their toys. I had a pet rat when I was young-his name was Checkers. He was all white and I loved him to bits!
Aww, I love white ratties! I'm adopting a pair of pale cream girls to join my colony next month, my first lighter-colored babies. I have four at the moment.

The only pictures I have of my guys are in hammocks made by other people. :lol: But I make the same kinds! I just tend to gift or trade them.
My older boys had rats and they were the smartest, kindest pets! I will admit, it took me a bit to get over their "tails on my neck" but our one rat was a lovebug. They can be excellent pets!
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