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Old 03-13-2011, 10:09 AM
Join Date: Nov 2010
Location: St. Louis, MO
Posts: 69

This is a very diverse group. I have to make time for my hobbies too. I work 40 hours a week, I go to a math class with my two older sons (24 & 23)to brush up on our math on Mondays for 3 hours. I try to spend at least an hour reading my bible every day and sew or do something constructive for an hour after that, twice a month I meet with four other ladies from 1-5 to sew on joint or individual projects and the other free weekends I spend with our oldest grandson who is three and do work with our Pastor (am the secretary for the church). Yep a full life and am never in bed before 11:30 and woke by 4 each day. Don't get up to 5 though. It can be tiring but been doing it a while. Plus my sweet hubby does the washing, cooking and helps with cleaning when he can. He has heart problems so he has been declared disable and he never complains about all my dabbling.
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