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Old 03-13-2011, 03:31 PM
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Originally Posted by AlwaysQuilting
Originally Posted by CoyoteQuilts
Have used one for years. Mostly use it for roasts. Just brown in butter, onions and any spices you want, add water, seal and cook. The magic of the pressure cooker is STEAM....... you need WATER to produce STEAM.... SO DON'T FORGET THE WATER!
That is the magic of the pressure cooker. If you forget the water they will blow and yes, you will have food every where!
OK this is a dumb question but when you say "water" do you actually mean water or just liquid of any kind?
I didn't see my DD put water in it but maybe she did while I wan't paying attention. I know she put some chicken broth in.
I make stuffed peppers all the time in mine, I use one large can of prepared tomato sauce and I add extra water, it needs a good deal of liquid so it doesn't burn or blow up, and then you have a nice red sauce for the potatoes, which I also add.
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