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Old 03-15-2011, 05:31 PM
terri bb
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i'm a new quilter too, and yup, i want to make one for everyone for everything! too much dreaming and not enough time in the day to do all i want! i like it; it's got alot of character and thought and i think when it goes together all the way you will be very very pleased. my very first top i thought was hideous and i swore to never finish it..i thought it was obtrusive and ugly and could not believe i put it together. but i grabbed it anyways when i got my new machine to practice quilting on. i noticed after it was quilted and washed it seemed to have changed some and it's now on the back of my couch! have any of you noticed that also or am i just being dumb?? everything i quilt seems to take on a different look when its all done???
best of luck to you and keep stitching!!
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