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Old 03-22-2011, 02:40 PM
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Last monday [a week ago]..I had to leave town early for a doctors appointment about one hundred miles away...It was very cloudy and was not raining...The storm was coming from the west ,the direction we were heading..On the way ,it rained a little...but wasn't really bad..No lightening or thunder...
We had lunch after the appointment and came home..When I came into the kitchen, I noticed things from the window were now in the kitchen sink...Then tried to turn on TV and it wouldn't come on and neither would my computer...I called my neighbor and her cable was out too..I asked if we had a bad storm and she said that Lightening had struck something....
I went outside and looked around...Lightening had struck a tree next to the garage...We are down 2 tv's, one computer, modem, routers electrical outlets and wiring and cable...and a lot of other stuff...One of my sons sent me a computer to use until mine can be replaced...But, the surge protector that is on my machines saved them...The surge protector did its job, but it had to be replaced...The other brands of surge protectors did not do the job...So I would suggest that you get a Phillips surge protector for everything....If the Phillips failed it will pay replacement cost...
We are still getting receipts for the insurance company....
I got the computer going last thursday...But it has been a long week...
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