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Old 03-23-2011, 07:43 PM
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I, too, work. I leave the house at 6:45 am & get back around 5-5:30 pm. It doesn't help that we live 30 minutes from the prison where DH & I both work. I run the inmate quilting job program and supervise the Hobby Shop program, & DH is the Director of Education. He's on Spring Break this week, so I drive in alone.

The weekends belong to me, and I quilt from the time I get up till I'm making too many mistakes & quit for the night, to start it all over again on Sunday. I can usually be pretty productive on those 2 days. Tonight, I went through a large donation of fabric to the inmates from a former member of our quilt club. She was de-stashing and getting rid of lots of orphan blocks & the fabrics that go with them. I was bagging it up by project. There is even an Egg Money top that she did, but didn't like as it was too pastel for her liking. I may have one of my really good quilters finish it by quilting it, we'll put a binding on it and have it ready for a donation when some organization calls & asks for a raffle quilt. Tonight, I'm tired as I worked by trekking from one end of the prison to the other (1/10 mile each way) several times as they are locked down - shakedown time. I put in over 2 miles before lunch! I have those Sketcher-knockoffs that shape your butt, but I really like how comfortable they are for walking. [Yup - 10 trips to the other end! Not bad for an old lady, huh?]
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