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Old 03-23-2011, 08:02 PM
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I work as a Medical Assistant in a very busy 3 physician office. I have never tracked my miles in a day, but we are getting a cardiologist in the practice next month and one of his suggestions is we all wear pedometers to be sure we are walking 10,000 steps each day. Duh, has he looked at my weight and age.... I am sure it would be good for me, but I dont have time to walk and give up any more

Originally Posted by QuiltswithConvicts

I, too, work. I leave the house at 6:45 am & get back around 5-5:30 pm. It doesn't help that we live 30 minutes from the prison where DH & I both work. I run the inmate quilting job program and supervise the Hobby Shop program, & DH is the Director of Education. He's on Spring Break this week, so I drive in alone.

The weekends belong to me, and I quilt from the time I get up till I'm making too many mistakes & quit for the night, to start it all over again on Sunday. I can usually be pretty productive on those 2 days. Tonight, I went through a large donation of fabric to the inmates from a former member of our quilt club. She was de-stashing and getting rid of lots of orphan blocks & the fabrics that go with them. I was bagging it up by project. There is even an Egg Money top that she did, but didn't like as it was too pastel for her liking. I may have one of my really good quilters finish it by quilting it, we'll put a binding on it and have it ready for a donation when some organization calls & asks for a raffle quilt. Tonight, I'm tired as I worked by trekking from one end of the prison to the other (1/10 mile each way) several times as they are locked down - shakedown time. I put in over 2 miles before lunch! I have those Sketcher-knockoffs that shape your butt, but I really like how comfortable they are for walking. [Yup - 10 trips to the other end! Not bad for an old lady, huh?]
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