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Old 02-23-2009, 12:08 AM
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Originally Posted by quiltncrazy
Why do we quilters have so much guilt? is it just some of us, or most of us? We've really gotta learn how to stop the "i should-a-'s...(as in, I should be doing this...or that....etc)
A couple years ago, I did something good for myself. I already did or didn't do, whatever my little heart wanted on "hormonal" days, but then I decided Sundays would be like that too. I have "my stuff" as I call it, on days I am in a lot of pain...that's a 'whatever' day too.
I refuse to feel guilty or worry about anything on those days. When those feelings come, I just say, "oh, I'll think about that tomorrow. I'll set aside time for it."...and then I forget, lol!
I wish I had the luxury of doing this all the time, but then my housework etc. wouldn't get done. Sorry, if off topic...bunny trailing again...oops!...worry bout that tomorrow, lol!!! :lol:
My French neighbour who is a VERY sensible and wise old country lady says to me when she sees me beavering away in the garden from dawn to dusk - don't do everythiing today or you'll have nothing to do tomorrow! (well, obviously she says it in French... :wink: )

I try to remember that, the minute I start something I want it finished as my mind is already jumping ahead to the next thing. I'm really trying to make myself slow down and enjoy each project and NEVER look upon it as a chore, not easy but I try!!! :roll:

K x

PS 'bunny trailin' - another one for the book!!
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