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Old 03-30-2011, 02:40 PM
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Join Date: Oct 2009
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Originally Posted by redturtle
ok so scratch the first one...i did see a 301...but i think i like the looks of the 221 sooo much better...kinda classy...i luv it in black but does this white one sound ok? TIA
Sadly, these new "featherweights" just play on the former
greatness of Singer machines. the 301's also come in black. & sell for about half of a 221 on eBay. I love my 301ls.
the white, true Singer Featherweight does have some design differences from the black ones. It was made 1960+
not made with the same care & weight metal as the black ones. It is hard-wired, so has to be unplugged each time.
it is noisier, has a shorter extension bed. no decals, etc. the bring good money because people thin they are in shorter supply. but, for my money, I would wait for a black one, preferable one before 1951.
and be very, very careful when buying on ebay. ask lots
of questions, especially about shipping. there is a tutorial
on packing a sewing machine on the internet. I hope you find one, they are such nice little machines. I sell them all
reconditioned, ready to sew. but the cosmetically challenged go for $275. our good one are $400. but the guts inside even a "not-so-pretty" one are the same. so keep an
eye out for one that is not so pretty but runs like a deer.
Good Luck ! and sometimes it is just that.
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